Core Driving Routines

DSSM: The Cockpit Drill

Doors : Check doors Are closed. this is the last thing you touched when you got in!

Seat : Make sure the seat & Head constraint is in a comfortable position.

Steering: Hold at 9 and 3 and make sure its in a Comfortable position.

Seatbelt: Make sure Your strapped in and safe. no twists, nice and straight.

Mirrors: Adjust all your mirrors and make sure you can see with little head movements.

POM Routine: Go from a parked position

P: Prepare - Start the car, foot on the brake and get into Gear.

O : Observation - Do your 6 point Check (check both blindspots).

M: Manoeuvre - Indicate, off brake and onto gas and steer.

Approach To Junctions: MSPSL

Mirrors : Always in Pairs, middle then Exterior.

Signal : Don’t mislead and in good time.

Position: 1 metre from the left or left of the middle line.

Speed: Off gas and Brake to running, walking, crawling speed/stop.

Look: Once slow LOOK to assess the situation and decide if we should go.

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